The Salona Village Citizens Association Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, January 26, 2025 at 3pm. This meeting will be held as a hybrid meeting with in-person meeting in the Franklin Sherman Elementary School cafeteria and remote access via Zoom. (Zoom information to be provided at a later date.) We hope you will be able to join us.
Our agenda includes the following:
Presentation on Residential Traffic Calming, by a representative of Fairfax County Dept. of Transportation
Approval of the minutes from 2024 Annual Meeting (see attached)
Reports by the Treasurer, President, and Community Organizations
Election of Officers
Open Discussion and Questions
The following is the proposed slate of officers who have agreed to serve for the next two years:
President Sharon Gamble
Vice President Jack Reutemann
Secretary Barbara Ryan
Treasurer Laura McAuley
Additional volunteers to support any SVCA activities would be greatly appreciated. In particular, if anyone would like to volunteer to provide SVCA website support or to coordinate activities to plan for any Traffic Calming activities or anything else, please send an email to
We look forward to seeing you on Jan. 26th!
SCVA holds an Annual Picnic each year in late summer or early fall. In 2024, the SCVA Annual Picnic took place on Sunday, September 8, 2024 at the Franklin Sherman Elementary School gazebo and was well attended.
SVCA generally holds its Annual Meeting in January of each year.
Upcoming SVCA Executive Board meetings are posted here in advance. SVCA Members are welcome to attend and may request the location of the meeting by sending an email to at least two weeks prior to the scheduled date. Please indicate any topics of interest.
Issues that have affected Salona Village include the acquisition of a Salona Village residential property by a corporation operating a medical treatment facility and the McLean Community Business Center (CBC) Study, completed in 2021. If you would like to raise or discuss issues affecting Salona Village, please send an email to and/or plan to attend an upcoming SVCA meeting.
McLean District Design Guidelines
The McLean District Design Guidelines contain written and visual ideas for the design of streets, lighting, and the area fronting buildings. The guidelines provide design direction to enhance the appearance of the McLean Commercial Revitalization District (CRD). The Guidelines were endorsed by the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors on September 12, 2023.
McLean Community Center (CBC) Study
The McLean Community Business Center (CBC) Study was a land use planning study that reviewed recommendations for future land uses, development intensities, transportation, public facilities and urban design within the CBC. County staff worked with Task Force members and the community at regular meetings to discuss changes to the Comprehensive Plan for the McLean CBC, using the Vision Plan as a primary guide. The McLean CBC is an approximately 230-acre area centered around the intersection of Chain Bridge Road and Old Dominion Drive. On June 22, 2021, the Board of Supervisors adopted the Planning Commission's recommendation for Plan Amendment 2018-II-M1.